Configuration files

Configuration files can be used to organize server/scanner deployments. Any long-form command-line argument can be specified in a configuration file.

Default file

The default configuration file is config/config.ini underneath the project home. However, this location can be changed by setting the environment variable POGOMAP_CONFIG or using the -cf or –config flag on the command line. In the event that both the environment variable and the command line argument exists, the command line value will take precedence. Note that all relative pathnames are relative to the current working directory (often, but not necessarily where is located).

Setting configuration key/value pairs

For command line values that take a single value they can be specified as:

keyname: value
e.g.   host:

For parameters that may be repeated:

keyname: [ value1, value2, ...]
e.g.   username: [ randomjoe, bonnieclyde ]

For command line arguments that take no parameters:

keyname: True
e.g.   fixed-location: True

Example config file

  -- contents of file myconfig.seattle --
  username: [ randomjoe, bob ]
  password: [ password1, password2 ]
  location: seattle, wa
  step-limit: 5
  gmaps-key: MyGmapsKeyGoesHereSomeLongString
  print-status: True
  -- end of file --

Running this config file as:

 python -cf myconfig.seattle

would be the same as running with the following command line:

 python -u randomjoe -p password1 -u bob -p password2 -l "seattle, wa" -st 5 -k MyGmapsKeyGoesHereSomeLongString -ps

Running multiple configs

One common way of running multiple locations is to use two configuration files each with common or default database values, but with different location specs. The first configuration running as both a scanner and a server, and in the second configuration file, use the no-server flag to not start the web interface for the second configuration. In the config file, this would mean including a line like:

no-server: True